Speeches given in 2008

June 15, 2010

Here is a list of the 32 speeches or panel presentations given by Stephen Mayne in 2008, plus any relevent feedback.

Fin Pro
: Dec 5, 2008
Speech to local government finance professionals.

Chartered Secretaries Australia annual conference: Dec 2, 2008, Sydney
Panel discussion: Australia's growing shareholder activism - listen to edited audio

ATO Debt Conference
: 14 November, 2008
Speech to 50 managers from ATO's debt collection department - see feedback

Victorian Cigar Society
: 12 November, 2008
After dinner anecdotes from the 2008 AGM season - see feedback

Financial Treasurers Association
Annual Conference: October 30, 2008, Melbourne
- listen to audio

Corrs Chambers Westgarth:
October 14, 2008
Discussion with banking partners group from across Australia - see flyer, see feedback

Friends of the Auburn Tower Inc AGM: October 13, 2008
Introduced by honorary President Ted Baillieu - see feedback

UBS farewell function:
Sept 30, 2008
Spoke at retirement lunch for the old stockbroker Geoff Hindle

Responsible Investment Association of Australia annual conference: Sept 24, 2008 at The Sofitel in Melbourne.
Chaired session on global credit crisis

Premier PR 'Bounce event' Keynote address in Ballarat:
Sept 18, 2008
The Crikey story plus why corporate Australia should do better - see feedback

Absolute Returns investment conference
: Sept 16, 2008, Melbourne
"Will activist funds come to Australia?" - see feedback.

The Professionals Breakfast Series: September 10, 2008, Sydney
Taking on the big boys

Melbourne High: August 29, 2008
Speech to students interested in politics

Melbourne Writers Festival: August 29, 2008
Panel with Bruce Dover on "Rupert's Adventures in China"

GV BRAIN Dinner in Shepparton: August 21, 2008
Challenging corporate Australia to do better

Radio National Science Week: August 18, 2008
Debate with American author Michael Shermer on psychology and the markets - listen to podcast from All in The Mind.

ACTU Media and Communications Conference: Aug 15, 2008
Unions and the media: influencing corporate behaviour

Swinburne Masters Students:
July 31, 2008
Discussion on Australian corporate governance

Australian Investors Association national conference on the Gold Coast: July 30, 2008
'Why Australia Needs a Stronger Culture of Shareholder Activism' - see feedback

McPherson Media Group Annual Management weekend: July 25, 2008
Crikey and other colourful media tales

Victorian Sceptics: July 21, 2008
Governance of Australian Companies

Centre for Corporate Public Affairs: June 17, 2008, Melbourne
Speech to spindoctors on media and the internet

CEO Forum Group:
June 5, 2008
Why stakeholders matters and how Australia compares in a globalised world

Rotary Club Balwyn: June 3, 2008
The Crikey Story.

Lecture to journalism students at Swinburne: May 28, 2008
Why governance matters and the future of journalism

Panel discussion on the internet at MEAA public affairs conference in Sydney: May 6, 2008
The media online: issues and prospects

Freehills panel discussion on executive remuneration: April 22, 2008

CFO Forum: April 7, 2008
"Australia's place in the world" - listen to audio file

ISACA (Serving IT Governance Professionals) AGM: April 3, 2008
The Crikey Story and why media diversity is important - listen to audio file
Brisbane Advertising Association Lunch: March 14, 2008
Keynote: "The Crikey Story and why media diversity is important"
Institute of Internal Auditors Conference: March 4, 2008
Keynote session "Transparency and Governance"
Sunday Discussion at the Malthouse Theater: March 2, 2008
"The Godsquad"