Press Room

Appearances on 936 ABC Tasmania

January 27, 2011

Here are links to audio files of various appearances on 936 ABC Tasmania.

15 November 2010 - talking about a proposal to increase GST.

26 October 2010 - discussing ASX takeover.

28 May 2010 - discussing the departure of John Gay from Gunns on 936 ABC Hobart.

10 December 2009 - talking to Tim Cox about corporate puppy ASIC and the upcoming Ten Network AGM.

23 July 2009 - talking to Tim Cox about Caterpillar announcing profit but couldn't escape retrenchments.

22 May 2009 - talking to Libby Gore about banks, debt, super and other things financial.

19 March 2009 - speaking with Tim Cox discussing the Alco-pops debacle and the new corporate governance structure announced by Treasurer Wayne Swan.

15 January 2009 - with Louise Saunders discussing the global economy.

17 December 2008 - world's biggest pyramid fraud scam.

7 Feb 2008- with Tim Cox discussing BHP takeover bid