Cr Mayne

May 2010 public council meeting

October 1, 2010

Here is some of the edited audio from the May 25 council meeting. Check out the agenda and minutes.

Controversial debate over cultural diversity policy

Full debate on multi-cultural policy

David Ellis speech on cultural diversity policy

Cr Reid asks officer inflammatory Pauline Hanson and “redneck” question

Cr Gough speaks against city sisters and junkets

Mayor Pick's fired up claims on colour-blind racists

Questions without notice from councillors

Councillor Ellis questions mayor on race claims

Councillor McMillan questions Cr Mayne about On Luck ministerial interventions

Cr Downie asks questions about excessive cost of carols by candle-light

Stephen Mayne's question on councillor expenses

Cr Reid questions Cr Ellis on amendments and reply calls for debating tolerance

Cr Reid's direct question on racism to Cr Ellis

Montessori parent Cr Reid asks question about extending school lease beyond 2016

Mayor Pick's final inflammatory question of David Ellis

All councillor questions at end of the meeting

Other edited audio files from May 28 council meeting

Supporting Beverley St apartment development

Capital works update: how our aquatic facility costs less than elsewhere

Cr Ellis on state govt road funding with some odd objections

Speaking in favour of spending “up to $5m” on state govt roads

Mayor vs Cr Gough on what is irrelevant and to be withdrawn during dog bins debate

Mayor rumbles Cr Ellis over authority of the chair during dog debate

Supporting Downie and McMillan in rolling waste committee on dog litter bins

Mayor vacates chair for passionate speech on community safety plan

Question to Celia Haddock then supporting $20,000 rather than $50,000 on men's behaviour change program

Mayne and McMillan speaking on review into aged care services

Funding a men's behaviour change program (full debate)