The two 2007 Allco shareholder meetings

March 25, 2009

Allco Finance Group looks like it might collapse, but it's complex financial structure, poor governance and huge related party transactions is something we were challenging at the AGM last October and the EGM in December to approve the Rubicon takeover.

October 25 AGM

Allco shows how not to do good governance

Mayne Report video, 29 October, 2007

Rattling the cages at Allco in 2007
The SMH, 26 October, 2007

Audio breakdown

Big debate on conflicts, related deals and independent directors

How big is our total debt?

Should Gordon Fel be on the remuneration committee?

Why have so many executives on the board?

You need to pay directors like Sir Rod Eddington a lot more

How much debt does David Coe have on his shares?

Full audio

December 12 EGM

Allco related party deal approved
Mayne Report, 12 December, 2007

Allco crunched as debt contagion spreads
Crikey, 21 January, 2008